Gatvių paieška

Pvz. Savanorių
Public toilets in Vilnius

Public toilet locations in Vilnius

Here you can find locations of public toilets in Vilnius. Apart from municipal public toilets, there are also various locations with a free or paid public WC (shopping malls, petrol stations, bus stops etc). Toilets which are available only for customers in bars, restaurants and other objects are not included in this list.

If you would like to know the nearest locations of public toilets in Vilnius, please select a neighborhood or use the map below.

Currently there are 58 locations available.

Map of public toilet locations in Vilnius
Random locations of public toilets in Vilnius
Eišiškių pl. 11
Statoil degalinė

Kalvarijų g.
Stotelė "Žaliasis tiltas"

Molėtų pl. 27A
Baltic Petroleum degalinė

M. K. Čiurlionio g.
Vingio parkas

Vikingų g. 3
PC Nordika

Maironio g.
Bernardinų sodas

Lukiškių a. 18
Lukiškių aikštė

Kauno g. 5A
prie "Geležinio kablio"

Pamėnkalnio g. 40A
prie Medicinos banko

Kareivių g. 13
Statoil degalinė

More public WC locations are available below or please select the neighborhood you are interested in.

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